Plains Zebras migrate annually across Namibia and Botswana in search of better grazing pastures, forming Africa’s longest land migration of over 400kms. Zebra can reach speeds of 65kph. They can also deliver strong kicks and bite when threatened


Mid-sized and thick bodied, Zebras are recognisable by boldly striped black and white with a black or dark muzzle. All Zebras have individual markings with no two alike. Their necks are maned with short hair and their tail ends in a longhaired tuft


Southern Sudan and southern Ethiopia, east of the Nile River to southern Angola and northern Namibia and northern South Africa


Herbivore; Feeding selectively on particular grass species


Breeding occurs throughout the year although peak births occur during the wet season. The herd stallion has sole breeding access to the females

Social structure

Zebras are a highly social species, living in complex social systems. Harems comprise a single stallion to several unrelated mares and their recent offspring. Bachelor groups also exist. Groups come together to form migrating herds of 10,000 or more for safety against predators.

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